
Sunday 14 October 2012

Starting A Home Based Business

So, you are looking for a lucrative home based business opportunity so you can have more time for family?

Many are seeking for additional income steam these days... home based business opportunity is the way to go.. or is it not?

With a lucrative home based business, you no longer need to worry if you will be fired. Because, with time and hard work put into it daily, you will be able to make money consistently from a home based business opportunity.

“Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." - Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Enterprises

…you must have chance upon my website because you want to learn how to make money from home, have your own lucrative home based business opportunity where you can work online and earn a decent income for yourself and family. Having your own Home Based Business Opportunity is not difficult. You just need to find the right guide and coach to get you there. I have been researching and doing several home based business opportunity for several years now. There are many lessons learnt I will share here. I PROMISE you, from today, you will no longer be struggling on your own to make it out on your own, because I am here for you and seeing you succeed in life, contribute back to society or your passion, thus making this world a better place for everyone. Yes, you found it! – I don’t think you’ll ever struggle to have money in your life again.
Let me define this for you…
When I say making money is no longer going to be struggle for you, – I’m not saying it doesn’t involve workwhat I am saying is that there should be NO struggle like you have experienced before, when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, your income will ‘flow’ instead of having that feeling that you’re beating your forehead against a wall with nails in it… getting yourself scam again and again and wasting time and energy which you could otherwise do some other meaningful work. I am here to put a stop to it! I have invested a lot of my hard earned money to find means and ways to make my home based business opportunity lucrative. I am sure if you have been online trying to make it for a while, you feel the way I do. But if you are new, count your lucky stars because this blog site will set you far ahead of many others.

Why am I sharing my lucrative business opportunity options?
I have learned so much online and invested so much of my time and energy trying to find viable alternative income stream. There must be something I can contribute and share my experiences! That's why I started to blog about my experiences so you too can avoid those bad experiences and learn only those that works so you can make your home based business opportunity work too.
So I started to search out opportunities again 5 years back, from internet marketing, to network marketing to trading and forex. I have a business coach Mr Mike Ang whom I bounce off lucrative opportunities with. I have learnt so much from him, he was a business consultant and coach. Today, he is semi-retired and teaching everyone online to create their own brilliance through his website at:
Anyway, to cut the long story short, I am blessed to know Mr Mike Ang a business consultant and peak performance consultant. Through Mr Mike's coaching and also many of my own personal experiences which I will share in my blog, I started to discover what is true business, why working hard is really not the smartest way to earn a lot of money.... not unless you are in the RIGHT business at the right time!
Towards Your Success!

“To Live, To Love and To Leave a Legacy - Towards Your Success!“

Home Based Business Opportunity For You

Put a stop to your frustration in learning how to make money online and have a lucrative home based business opportunity!

This is a one stop online business resource centre where you will discover.....
In this opportunity that I am going to share, 40 millionaires were made in less than 1 year! Check out this groundbreaking stay home business opportunity in one of the fastest growing industry!

Earn an extra income of $500 - $1000 a month just staying home is a reality! No more technical nor confusing things to do. It's a PROMISE!

Click here if you DO NOT want to miss out this opportunity!

In order not to miss out anymore lucrative home based business, fill in your name and your best email address and I will update you once I evaluate an opportunity. NO RISK on your part!

 Sign up now to find out the latest lucrative home based business opportunity waiting for you!

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Home Based Business Opportunity

…you must have chance upon my website because you want to learn how to make money from home, have your own lucrative home based business where you can work online and earn a decent income for yourself and family. Having your own Home Based Business Opportunity is not difficult. You just need to find the right guide and coach to get you there.

I have been researching and doing several home based business opportunity for several years now. There are many lessons learnt I will share here. Do stay tuned if getting a lucrative home based business opportunity is what you are looking for.

I PROMISE you, from today, you will no longer be struggling on your own to make it out on your own, because I am here for you and seeing you succeed in life, contribute back to society or your passion, thus making this world a better place for everyone. Yes, you found it! – I don’t think you’ll ever struggle to have money in your life again.
Let me define this for you…
When I say making money is no longer going to be struggle for you, – I’m not saying it doesn’t involve work – what I am saying is that there should be NO struggle like you have experienced before, when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, your income will ‘flow’ instead of having that feeling that you’re beating your forehead against a wall with nails in it… getting yourself scam again and again and wasting time and energy which you could otherwise do some other meaningful work. I am here to put a stop to it!

I have invested a lot of my hard earned money to find means and ways to make my home based business opportunity lucrative. I am sure if you have been online trying to make it for a while, you feel the way I do. But if you are new, count your lucky stars because this blog site will set you far ahead of many others.
Here’s how this post got inspired:
I was thinking just yesterday. I have learned so much online and invested so much of my time and energy trying to find viable alternative income stream. There must be something I can contribute and share my experiences! That's why I started to blog about my experiences so you too can avoid those bad experiences and learn only those that works so you can make your home based business opportunity work too.
So what did I learn?
Well, I was born in Singapore to a middle class family. My mum and dad worked hard to put all 4 of us through school. We all had the education we need. 3 of us had university degrees. I was the first to be able to be enrolled in the most elite University in Singapore (National University of Singapore) studying one of the most popular course that most students would love to study, and that is Bachelor of Business Administration. 
Dad says, Just study as much as you can, let me pay for your tuition and that will help you get a good pay and great job with good career prospects. And I believed him, did everything I could to go for a premium business degree that so many others are looking forward to. And I got it! I was so proud of myself, so are my parents....
… Even after studying a business degree, got a masters degree, I was still lost as to how can I be financially successful and free after working for couple of years! 7 years in a good job told me all these won't get me what I truly want, time and financial freedom. I was spending more as I earned more. There is something wrong.... I learnt about financial planning and started to do that.... and many more things which school didn't teach.
I was raised with the philosophy that if I worked hard – I would be paid a fair wage for my labor – whether it is mental labor, as a product of my intellect and education.
In any case – it took me A LONG TIME to figure out that what I just described has absolutely nothing to do with how much money you’re going to have. Let me give you an example of how my personal stupidity resulted in a lot of poverty in my life:
I started to seek for alternative solutions, learned from many others and spent so much on educating myself all over again. I learnt a great deal of precious life lessons.... 
I got involved in a MLM company called Lamp Berger in 2003, this is the beginning of my personal development process. I learnt so much but I also failed miserably. I spent a lot of money buying up my position (which is what my upline told me to do). Being a good student and downline, I did what I was told. And loh and behold, I got my position, gave guarantees for success to my downlines, and I was caught and awaken when some of my friends demand their money back from my full refund personal policy (yes, learning and doing what my upline said again).  They didn't put in the right mindset and effort in the business and they want their money back. Anyway, I didn't know better, I paid them all back, because I am a person of integrity. If I had said it, I will give their refund in full, and I did. I borrowed from the bank via a hefty interest package, got myself in a huge debt that took me 6 years to pay off. Well, it's an expensive lesson learnt.... I will share more about my MLM experiences, how to look out for a good one and what types to avoid....
Since then, I continued to work hard at work, got my increments and promotions. I was a happy camper... I was not worried about the future as I was doing well in my day job. But deep down, I know I want more in life and doing what I do at work can't get me there at all.
So I started to search out opportunities again 5 years back, this time, online, internet marketing and home based business where I am in control, not some MLM company or upline support. I also have a coach and mentor to support me in my search. I have learnt so much from him, he was a business consultant and coach. Today, he is semi-retired and teaching everyone online to create their own brilliance through his website at
Anyway, along the way, through Mr Mike's coaching and also many of my own personal experiences which I will share in my blog, I started to discover what is true business, why working hard is really not the smartest way to earn a lot of money.... not unless you are in the RIGHT business!
You see, when I was in lamp berger, I worked REALLY HARD – the problem was, I didn’t understand that working hard has nothing to do with how much money you make. Let me explain .... Think about these critical business questions and you will soon discover if a business is viable in the long term... here goes...
1. Are you trying to sell something that people just don’t want, or do you just suck at selling it?
2. Is there high enough profit in what you do to eventually outsource it so you don’t have to continue managing something for the rest of your life?
3. Is there a big enough market to sustain your dream lifestyle?
In any case – I hope that you take these concepts and make a boat load of cash – the world needs more rich people to create jobs, buy nice stuff, and otherwise show us all what’s possible when the mind of man (or woman) is focused on a singular cause.

Click here to discover some home based business opportunity that may suit your lifestyle and your likings.
Towards Your Success!

“To Live, To Love and To Leave a Legacy - Towards Your Success!“