
Sunday 16 September 2012

About Me - Work From Home Entrepreneur

I am a seeker for viable multiple streams of income, enabling me to work from home, anytime I want, whenever I want. My quest is to attain financial freedom and time freedom one day.

Join me in my journey as I seek for answers to work from home, run home based business, earn passive income to lead a successful, happy and fulfilled life.

Hi, This is Veronica from Singapore!

I am an IT Mgr and love seeking alternative income streams to work from home in my spare time and weekends. This Work From Home Entrepreneur blog site is set up purely to support you in your learning so that you too can work from home and learn to make money online. If this is what you are looking for, count your lucky stars! You have find a valuable source of information about my experiences and what I feel works for me. Keep coming back while I blog about my real live experiences so you don't have to repeat my mistakes. All you have to do is just do what works for me.

I am no guru, Just like you, I am just a simple, average person, seeking other sources of income online so I am able to work from home in my spare time and able to better provide for my family needs especially during challenging times. It's always wise to be prepared than caught in a situation you are unable to support or help someone in need.

I must highlight that there are way too many internet scams out there today and we must be careful. Some of which I have already experienced and my wish for you is that you don't fall into their trap. I will teach you how to look out for scams too and how to protect yourself from it.

I have already spent thousands of dollars learning how to make money online, joined several internet marketing courses, attended personal development courses, have my own personal coach, done few network marketing, attended Forex courses and Traded Forex as well. There are many more I tried, tested, some with success and some failed miserably. I am grateful I have not hurt anyone during my search to have financial freedom as I was very careful what I do and ensure I do things all things with integrity which is one of my core values in life.

I am also thankful that so far, these are all experiences and stepping stones for me to learn and improve myself and what works and what doesn't. And today, after sinking in so much energy and money into it, I am confident to share about my experiences in this blog.

I lost a lot of money too while researching and trying out all sorts of methods to make money online. Some didn't make me much money, others burned a big hole in my pocket. I refused to give up my quest to find viable opportunities to make money online so I can work from home, wherever I am, whenever I want.

I really hope to help as many people be able to have more time for themselves and have their dream life come true.... leading a life with passion, purpose and vitality.  If you are still not sure about your purpose in life, or what life you want to lead, may I recommend that you check out videos by my mentor Mr Mike Ang, founder of  Brilliance University. Therein lies the brilliance within that you may be looking for. If you are looking to live a life of brilliance coming from within your own personal power, check out his website and join in his free membership.

Next, I would likely you watch this video. This video will answer your question on what's your purpose of life, your mission and life assignment. In finding your life assignment, this will help you get the motivation to succeed in life.

With financial meltdown looming in Europe and US, we must be prepare for the worst. Better to start now than never!

Lastly, I love animals (especially dogs) and hope to be able to contribute abundantly one day to help many homeless dogs find good homes and teach people how to be a successful & happy dog owner. So time and again, I may just share about it in my blog.

My personal advice to all... Stay Hungry and Never Ever Give Up!

Dan O'Brien quoted: If you never give up, you'll be successful. 

Towards Our Success! Stay Tuned!

Veronica from Singapore

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